Course offered in:

Autumn 2022-23

Motivation for becoming a TA:

The ability to think about and use probability correctly as a tool is very important; I believe it is highly useful and perhaps even necessary in daily life. This course starts from the fundamentals, and I tried to make sure that the majority of students taking this course got at least something out of the experience


TAs were tasked with conducting vivas for the assignments (3 in total), grading tests (2 quizzes, midsem, and endsem) and conducting tutorials/help sessions.

How was your experience:

It was a fun experience overall. Making sure that students actually understood what was going on while taking vivas/conducting tutorials was difficult, but rewarding when they did. Building a rapport with the students felt nice; some even reached out about future courses/projects along similar lines.

Time Commitment:

Varied a lot, somewhat high around times you were supposed to grade/conduct vivas, very low otherwise.

What advice would you give to future TAs of this course:

Try finishing up work as soon as it shows up, especially near the end of the semester. Placements take up a lot of time and you usually don’t get a lot of time after the endsems to catch up on evaluations except for the endsem.

Thumbnail by Robbie Biller, licensed under CC BY 2.0