Basic Information

  • Name Nikhil Kaniyeri

  • Curriculum: B.Tech, Electrical Engineering

  • Year of Study: 4th

  • Company/University of Internship: Texas Instruments

  • Year of Internship (eg. '23 Summers, '22 Winters): ‘23 Summers

  • Mode of Internship (Online/Offline/Hybrid): Offline

  • Duration of Internship: May 8 - July 7

Getting into the Internship:

What specific domain or field did you target to get an internship in?

Digital Design

What resources did you utilize to prepare for the tests/interviews?

Digital Design:

Morris Mano for all basic circuits necessary; Read FF and Latch sections thoroughly. Know FSM models and differences.Revise your HDLs: revise VHDL from your labs, or from online sources. If you have learnt Verilog before, you can pick that up too; Mano has integrated sections with Verilog code as well. Do not pick up Verilog if you haven’t done it before.

Basic Computer Architecture might come in handy, so make sure you know basic concepts.

STA : Look at Setup and Hold Times/Violations, it wasn’t covered in our Digital course.

Can you elaborate on your interview and the type of questions which were asked?

I had questions from FSMs, Setup/Hold Times, and some Verilog code for counters. I was only asked about Verilog because it was in my résumé, though. I do not recall the exact questions.

During the internship:

What was your specific profile or project topic during the internship?

Physical Design. Cannot divulge more details.

Could you provide insights into the organizational culture of the company/university and what your peers were like?

It is a great place to work, and people are very friendly. There are a lot of opportunities to learn and grow and ample resources are provided for self-learning, whether related to your work or otherwise. All information necessary is accessible quickly.

Sessions were conducted with upper management describing the direction of the company, and the teams at the company were introduced.

Were there any networking opportunities or professional connections that you established during the internship?

We had one roundtable of interns with the worldwide manager and had introductions.