
Welcome to my blog, where I'll be sharing the intricate details of my internship experience at Graviton Research Capital. As a fourth-year student majoring in Electrical Engineering, I had the opportunity to explore the world of High-Frequency Trading (HFT). Join me as I take you through my journey.

A Closer Look at Graviton Research Capital:

Graviton Research Capital stands as a prominent player in the HFT field, employing advanced algorithms and quantitative models to capitalize on market inefficiencies and generate substantial returns. With a global reach, the firm trades across more than 20 exchanges, leveraging cutting-edge technology and sophisticated strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

The Selection Process:

Securing an internship at Graviton Research Capital was a highly competitive process that tested both my problem-solving skills and my ability to think critically under pressure. The selection process consisted of two distinct stages: a test and an interview, each designed to assess different aspects of a candidate's aptitude.

The Test:

The initial phase of the selection process involved a comprehensive test that evaluated my knowledge and skills in quantitative trading. While some preparation materials such as "Decoding Quant Trading Interview" provided useful insights, the test itself was more focused on assessing problem-solving abilities rather than technical programming knowledge.

The test covered a wide range of topics, including probability theory, statistics, financial markets, and mathematical modeling. It challenged my capacity to analyze data, develop innovative solutions.

The Interview:

Upon successfully passing the test, I progressed to the interview stage. The interview aimed to gauge not only my technical proficiency but also my ability to work in a fast-paced environment. During the 2.5-hour interview, I encountered a series of challenging riddles and questions designed to test my problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.

The questions posed during the interview ranged from expected value and probability puzzles. The interview panel sought to assess not only my knowledge but also my ability to communicate complex ideas, collaborate effectively in a team.

The Work in HFT:

As an intern at Graviton Research Capital, I was immersed in the world of HFT. The work environment was characterized by a constant drive for precision, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge and innovation.

My responsibilities spanned a wide range of tasks, allowing me to gain practical experience in various aspects of quantitative trading. I worked closely with the quantitative research team, assisting in data analysis, developing mathematical models. Additionally, I had the opportunity to contribute to optimizing code for efficiency, further enhancing my programming skills.

The HFT industry demands a deep understanding of financial markets, strong analytical and programming skills, and the ability to adapt swiftly to changing market conditions. During my internship, I was able to witness firsthand how technology and data play a pivotal role in the decision-making process.