Basic Information

  • Name Nirmal Shah
  • Curriculum: DD(Specialization in ES)
  • Year of Study: 5th Year
  • Company/University of Internship: Texas Instruments
  • Role during Internship: Analog Design Engineer
  • Year of Internship (eg. '24 Summers, '23 Winters): ‘22 Summers
  • Mode of Internship (Online/Offline/Hybrid): Online
  • Duration of Internship: 2 months

Getting into the Internship:

What specific domain or field did you target to get an internship in?

During the internship season, I particularly targeted core internship.(Digital/Analog).

What resources did you utilize to prepare for the tests/interviews?

Digital: • Viru 214. • Most importantly FSMs(Mealy/Moore machines) • CDC • STA • Counters • Bitwise Coding questions. Especially XOR ones. Interviewers love XOR types of puzzle • Different types of FF • How to convert 1 type of FF into another • Verilog code. If not than make your VHDL stronger • I followed this NPTEL link for basics in digital electronics •

Analog: • 204 - Opamps, MOSFETS, BJTs (Not too high level, but basic working of them) • JEE level RLC ckts • Basic feedback ckts. • See previous interview questions. I followed below 2 resources. • •

Signal Processing: • 2nd yr Comms course • Khaas karke All the transformations • Z transform • Fourier Transform • Laplace transform • LTI systems

If time permits, try to focus on this material. This is for placements, hence the level is also higher:

Can you elaborate on your interview and the type of questions which were asked?

TI has no BS HR questions. It was the only company that provided me PPO 2yrs prior due to which I was able to intern somewhere else in my 4th year summers. The interviewer would come and start away by asking questions. If you answer the questions correctly or atleast are on the right logic you would bag the internship else you wouldn’t. It is as simple as that.

I was shortlisted for TI Digital and 2 roles for Analog. 1 role of Analog had only shortlisted DD students.

The 1st interview was digital, basic questions were asked such as the difference between synchronous and asynchronous counters. Difference between FF and Latch. A VHDL code was given, and had to predict what it would do. Write an FSM for a particular sequence/pattern detector. I had some internet glitch, hence was logged out for 15 mins, and the interviewer moved onto the next candidate.

The next interview was about Analog. Basic JEE level RLC circuit questions were asked. Especially how the V vs t, or I vs t would look qualitatively. I guarantee that the 1st question asked is RC integrator and differentiator and what happens if Time constant is less than or more than input square wave. If you are able to clear the questions then only they would schedule the 2nd round or else they won’t. In the 2nd round, I was asked very basic questions on Op Amp circuits like integrator, tell me whether the circuit is in +ve feedback or -ve feedback. At the end I was just discussing random topics with the manager. Overall the people are really chill and would help you on your way.

Were there any significant roadblocks or challenges that you encountered during the internship application and selection process? If so, how did you navigate or overcome them?

application and selection process? If so, how did you navigate or overcome them? Mine was online, hence the problems that I had face(Lack of proper communication/Internet issue) wouldn’t be faced during the offline internship process.

How did you handle any rejections that you faced (If any) during the internship application process?

I had only applied to 2 companies. One was APT Portfolio(It only wanted B.Tech people), and 2nd was TI. So I hadn’t faced a lot of rejection 🙂

During the internship:

What was your specific profile or project topic during the internship?

TI had come with a new role of Analog Technology Development, where they develop next gen technology which would be used by other Analog teams. I interned in that team. My project was to develop industrial level ultra low input offset voltage(in range of uV) Op Amp from scratch.

How would you describe your overall experience as an intern?

The problem statement was really challenging, and had a steep learning curve. My manager gave me a lot of freedom to select whichever schematic I wanted to work upon, and had a lot of patience to allow me to make mistakes. He never spoon fed me with the solution whenever I was stuck and wanted me to learn on my own and evolve.

Could you provide insights into the organizational culture of the company/university and what your peers were like?

Really really great organization. Learned a lot, got to work on industrial tools like Cadence.

Were there any networking opportunities or professional connections that you established during the internship?

Since it was Online, was unable to talk to many people. But had many informal online conversations with my Manager, as well as connected me with his manager to get to know what the career path looks like if I stay in this domain. I also bonded well with my fellow intern, as well senior engineers in the team

After the Internship:

Based on your experience, would you recommend this internship to others interested in the same field? If so, what aspects make it worth recommending? If not, what factors influenced your perspective?

If one is interested in Analog, it is one of the best companies to intern with. The culture ensured that the merit and hard work was always rewarded. The load is entirely team dependent. My manager had evening calls with the US office.

For people who have completed their internships

What are you currently involved in or pursuing following the completion of your internship?

Prior to internship I was confused whether I should pursue Analog or Digital. After the internship I got to know how the Analog industry works, and what work I would be expecting in the future. It gave me much clarity as to what I really like/dislike. Currently, I got to know that between Digital vs Analog, I am much more inclined towards the Digital side, and decided to get off-campus placement in NVIDIA. Hence I would be joining NVIDIA this summer.

In what ways has the internship influenced or impacted your current activities and future endeavors?

Gave me mental clarity as to what to pursue as a career.