Basic Information

  • Name Rajadhyaksha Apoorva Girish
  • Curriculum: Btech
  • Year of Study: 4th
  • Company/University of Internship: Hindustan Unilever Limited
  • Role during Internship: Supply chain intern
  • Year of Internship (eg. '24 Summers, '23 Winters): ‘24 Summers
  • Mode of Internship (Online/Offline/Hybrid): Offline
  • Duration of Internship: 2 months

Getting into the Internship:

What specific domain or field did you target to get an internship in?

Quant, FMCG and Consult.

What resources did you utilize to prepare for the tests/interviews?

Talking to seniors and researching about the company.

Can you elaborate on your interview and the type of questions which were asked?

Electrical core (surprisingly). I was asked about Digital and analog circuits.

Were there any significant roadblocks or challenges that you encountered during the internship application and selection process? If so, how did you navigate or overcome them?

No, thankfully got selected in the first interview I gave.

How did you handle any rejections that you faced (If any) during the internship application process?

I wasn’t selected for an interview in Optiver for Day 1 Tech. Since the first couple weeks of intern season are very hectic, I took this setback sportingly and looked forward to the multitude of companies that were hiring the same week.

During the internship:

What was your specific profile or project topic during the internship?

My project was in the Manufacturing Excellence division in the supply chain of HUL. I had to collect data from various sources and benchmark factory sites based on certain parameters to identify opportunities for value creation. The project was heavy on Data analysis, Dashboard making for data representation and creation of insights.

How would you describe your overall experience as an intern?

It gave me an insight into corporate life. I sharpened my Excel skills and learnt dashboard making using Power BI. I had the chance to hone my communication skills as I negotiated with partner firms. It gave me the confidence to present my ideas and verify their relevance in real life problems. I learnt a lot about FMCG companies and their overall structure. My tutors were very friendly and encouraging. Overall, it was helpful to sharpen my soft skills and provide good exposure to the professional world.

Could you provide insights into the organizational culture of the company/university and what your peers were like?

Every intern is allotted a tutor who is a Senior manager at the company. A co-tutor who is a manager may be appointed for constant guidance throughout the internship. Additionally, a coach is appointed to oversee the intern’s professional growth. A buddy, who was a fellow intern earlier and has now joined the company is allotted for personal support. Each business group has a team of individuals who work on many brands in that group. There is a procurement team, safety team, quality management team, etc as well. Each team has their own predefined roles and responsibilities that they execute with great diligence.

Were there any networking opportunities or professional connections that you established during the internship?

There were many other Tech school interns with me from other IITs and BITS that expanded my professional network. Additionally, I established good connections with other senior employees at HUL through my project-related interactions.