Basic Information

  • Name Vedant Dumbre
  • Curriculum: DD
  • Year of Study: 4th
  • Company/University of Internship: Qualcomm
  • Role during Internship: Modem Systems
  • Year of Internship (eg. '24 Summers, '23 Winters): ‘23 Summers
  • Mode of Internship (Online/Offline/Hybrid): Offline
  • Duration of Internship: 10 weeks

Getting into the Internship:

What specific domain or field did you target to get an internship in?

I had primarily targeted for hardware jobs and thus had studied for analog (but didnot come useful in the interview). But eventually was placed in firmware team.

What resources did you utilize to prepare for the tests/interviews?

For the hardware interviews, i was just thorough with the core courses and had strong hand on EE204, EE229. And, got some hands on cpp via leetcode, as every other company asks you to code in one or other language.

Can you elaborate on your interview and the type of questions which were asked?

Although this is very panel specific. My interview was mainly on my resume and my semester courses that were going on. I was grilled on my projects that i had done and fortunately was able to pass through.

How did you handle any rejections that you faced (If any) during the internship application process?

I had first applied for TI for analog role. But could not pass the interview, as i had fumbled at some basic questions, thus lost the role. Fortunately, in the next interview, i had thoroughly reviewed my resume thus could overcome the pressure and pass through the interview.

During the internship:

What was your specific profile or project topic during the internship?

My profile was modem systems engineer and project was on IEEE 802.11az.

How would you describe your overall experience as an intern?

Overall, I had a good summer, in terms of learning and the team. I got to learn more about 5g and wi-fi throught their courses, following my EE706. I was lucky in the sense that i had gotten a very good team. Thus, whenever i got stuck i always had someone to ask to.

Could you provide insights into the organizational culture of the company/university and what your peers were like?

If you are interested in communication/computer networks then i would surely recommend. The profile does make you involve in aspects for wi-fi and 5g, and what goes on behind a project. How each client has different requirements and how they are handled.

After the internship:

What are you currently involved in or pursuing following the completion of your internship?

After receiving the PPO, i was primarily busy in my dual degree dissertation.

In what ways has the internship influenced or impacted your current activities and future endeavors?

I think, my liking towards working in communication networks has now increased and most probably will be working in the same field, given i have accepted the offer