Basic Information
- Course Code: EE229
- Course Name: Signal Processing - I
- Course Offered In: Autumn 2022
- Instructors: Sibi Raj B Pillai
- Prerequisites: None
- Difficulty (on a scale of 5): 4
Course Content
Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems and their examples Linear systems, linear time/shift-invariant systems Impulse response, convolution, and filtering The Fourier transform Fourier representations of continuous-time and discrete-time signals Lowpass, bandpass, and highpass systems Stability and pole-zero properties of linear shift-invariant systems Z-transform and Laplace transform Sampling and reconstruction of bandlimited signals Approximate reconstruction methods(zero-order hold) The discrete Fourier transform, and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm Implementation of discrete-time systems using FFT Introduction to contemporary practice and examples.
Feedback on Lectures
The lectures were interactive, with the instructor using a variety of ways, including Google Colab, Presentations, and Experiments, to explain the topics. Sir mainly taught using a blackboard, so taking notes was essential. However, reference material/Interactive Colab notes were posted for a few topics(mostly pre-midsem). Tutorial sheets were provided, and they were discussed during class hours. Sir often asked questions during the class to keep the class interactive.
Feedback on Evaluations
The evaluation consisted of
- Programming Assignmet - 5%
- Quizzes + Assignments - 25%
- Midsem - 30%
- Endsem - 40% Further, small programming assignments were provided pre-midsem, timely submission of which yielded a bonus of 0.25%. The midsem contained mainly easy to medium-level questions. The endsem had a lot of questions involving linear algebra.
Study Material and Resources
- S. Haykin and B. Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley, 2003.
- A. Oppenheim, A. Willsky and S. Nawab, Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall 1996.
- J. Proakis and D. Manolakis, DSP: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Pren- tice Hall 1997.
- S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw Hill 2013.
Follow-up Courses
This is a fundamental course, and many courses in Communication and Signal Processing open up after you complete this course. Some of the courses are: Digital Signal Processing(EE338), Image Processing(EE610), Speech Processing(EE679), Wavelets(EE678), Advanced Topics in Signal Processing(EE779)
Final Takeaway
This course is an introduction to topics like Communication and Signal Processing and thus acts as a foundation for many other courses you will take in the future. Try to understand the basic concepts from scratch and make sure to devote enough time to practice. Revise the fundamental concepts and theorems of Linear Algebra.