Review by
Jay Sonawane, 2024(BTech+MTech Dual Degree)
Course Offered In
Spring 2022
Prof. Sourabh Lodha
EE207- Electronic Devices
Course Content
The lab course was conducted in online mode. So the labwork involved simulation in NGSpice. Understanding characteristics of operation of diodes (pn junction, sckottky. etc), MOSFET and BJT were covered.
Feedback on Lectures
Feedback on Evaluations
- Quizzes-2 (10 each)
- Midsem (20)
- Endsem (20)
- Labwork and viva (30)
- Lab report (10)
Study Material and References
Follow-up Courses
Final Takeaways
The quizzes, midsem and endsem were quite hectic in the sense that it took a lot of time to complete the paper on time. They involved simulation and calculations and involved undestanding concepts.
Grading Statistics: