Course offered in:

Spring 2018


Prof. Bikash Dey

Course Content:

  1. Review of random processes
  2. Review of bandpass signal representation
  3. Quantization
  4. Passband digital modulation schemes
  5. Delta modulation
  6. Optimum receivers
  7. Intersymbol interference
  8. Maximum likelihood sequence detection
  9. Basics of coding theory
  10. OFDM


EE 325 (Probability and Random Processes), EE 308 (Communication Systems)

Feedback on Lectures:

The professor teaches well and very clearly. However, the course might run really slowly at times. The professor mandates 80% attendance and manual attendance is taken in each class. Many students got a DX grade because of low attendance.

A good understanding of random processes is very helpful in understanding much of the content and solving problems. Most of the content covered did not overlap much with EE 308 which made the classes more interesting. The classes for B.Tech and DD ran at the same pace, covered the same content and the exams were also the same for both the batches despite different professors teaching the course.

Tutorials were regularly uploaded and discussed by the professor. No solutions were provided. Tutorials did help in deepening understanding of the content and required some amount of calculations (not very heavy).

The evaluation breakdown is given below –

  1. Two quizzes – 25%
  2. Mid Semester Exam – 25%
  3. End Semester Exam – 50%

The exams were on the easier side with many questions coming directly from the tutorials. The end semester exam was a little lengthy but the questions were not very difficult.


Moderately Easy

Grading Statistics:

Due to easier exams, the cutoffs were high. The grading was similar for both the sections. Grades

Study Material and References:

  1. Wozencraft and Jacobs – Principles of Communication Engineering
  2. Robert Gallager – Principles of digital communication

Reviewed by – Anmol Kagrecha, 4th year Dual Degree (CSP)