Basic Information

  • Course Code: EE350
  • Course Name: Technical Communication
  • Course Offered In: 2023-2024
  • Semester Season: Spring
  • Instructors: Prof. Arun Surendran, Debanjan Bhowmik, Satish Mulleti, Shiladri Chakraborty, Kulkarni SV
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Difficulty (1 being easy and 5 being tough): 2

Course Content

Assessment of effective technical communication: Honesty, Clarity, Accuracy, Comprehensiveness, Accessibility, Conciseness, Professional Appearance, Correctness Ethical and legal issues: Copyright, plagiarism Writing process: Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Proofreading Making oral presentations

Feedback on Lectures

The whole course is divided into 5 modules; which the professors divided amongst themselves. The batch was divided into 5 sections with each prof allotted one section. The lectures were held common for all, with each prof teaching style was different and hence class environment ranged from engaging to not-so-engaging.

Feedback on Evaluations

Tutorials were held for sections individually, in which practice problems from each module was given. However, these were not graded and were only for getting oneself comfortable with the content taught in class. Evaluation was divided as follows:

Midsem- 25% Endsem- 45% Report & Presentation- 30%

Study Material and Resources

Nothing as such

Follow-up Courses

There is no proper follow up course but student can then take EE451: Supervised Research Exposition( for DD students)

Final Takeaway

This is a department mandatory course in which first half deals with grammar, ethics which are essential for research paper writing; followed by rules and tips for presentation and patent filing. No theoritical rot learning is needed for this, just understand what each rule and guideline is trying to say and final presentaion in which one has to write a report for an actual paper and present it will be done with ease.