Course offered in:
Spring 2021
Prof. Vikram Gadre
Course Content:
Basics about wavelets transform, and their importance.
Examples about a few wavelet transforms like Haar, Daub etc
Importance of the Uncertainty principle in Wavelet transforms
Comparison between STFT and Wavelet transforms
High pass filter and low pass filter for multi-level decopositions
Reconstruction of singal from Wavelet transform coefficients
Signal and Systems (necessary for understanding)
Digital Signal Processing (strict)
Feedback on Lectures:
Owing to the online semester, the prof asked us to watch pre recorded lectures on NPTEL before class. And then attend class (1.5 hours per week) for discussion, students providing lecture summary, solving tutorial problems and challenge problems (all had some credit towards class participation) etc.
It was students providing lecture summary and the professor holding discussion based on that. There was a lot of conceptual discussion involved in class/live session and we also had ‘pop’ questions.
Feedback on Tutorials, Assignments and Exams:
Tutorials were provided at the beginning of the sem and were discussed in live sessions. We were given some optional assignments. Prof would however pose challenge questions in class, which you can solve and present later and get class participation points.
There were no midsem and endsem thanks to the online nature of the semester, however we had 2 projects running throughout the sem:
- RnD project: Find application of multivariate wavelet decomposition
- Research paper review (Multiresolution ML): Find research papers on application of a hybrid of ML/DL and Wavelet decomposition and summarize them
Grading Statistics:
Study Material and References:
Howard L. Resnikoff, Raymond O. Wells, “Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information”
Prof’s handwritten notes used during video recording were available on NPTEL
If it had not been an online semester, we would have had traditional midsem and endsem instead of one of the project
Takeaways from the course:
This is itself a PhD level course. Recommended for those who want to pursue research or are already pursuing it in the domain of signal processing. But others can also give it a try as getting an AA in the course was not so difficult.
Review by – Reet Mehta (
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