layout: page title: Course Reviews subtitle: EE 602 - Radar Systems (2018) cover-img: assets/img/Cover_study.jpg thumbnail-img: “” share-img: “” comments: true tags: [Academic, Elective, Communication] —

EE 602 - Radar Systems

Course offered in:

Spring 2018


Prof. Kushal Tuckley


This course covers the basics of Radar Systems and introduces a novel multi-disciplinary engineering system with more approach to the practical concepts rather than long tedious equations and theory.

Course Content:

  • Understanding Radar
  • Design Parameters and Radar Equation
  • Continuous Wave Radar
  • Transmitters, Duplexers and Circulators
  • Antennas
  • Receivers
  • Radar Target Tracking
  • Various Radar Systems


The course is easy to follow if one has done EE 302 (Electromagnetic Waves) and EE 204 (Analog Systems). These are not hard prerequisites though.

Feedback on lectures:

The Prof. was very enthusiastic about the lectures, and his practical approach to explaining the concepts was refreshing (this is understood since the Prof. has been part of the industry for a long time and believes more in the practical exposure). There were lecture notes prepared which were sufficient enough for all the exams.

Feedback on Exams:

There were 2 quizzes (best of the 2 taken), one Mid-Semester exam and an End-Semester exam. The exams were pretty easy, although Prof. ensured adding one question which was difficult and only followed by those who attended the classes regularly. There was one project which involved minimal work (Literature Review of a paper followed by a presentation) and was an easy mark scoring opportunity.

Grading and Difficulty Level:

The grading was relatively chill for the course. Sufficient number of AA/AB’s were given and one can easily score these grades if he was clear of the concepts. I would rate this course as Easy.


Initially, there was no attendance required. But the predictable happened; attendance dropped and the Prof. was forced to enforce attendance again. Though he did not give anybody a DX grade.

Study Material and References:

There were no books that were followed, and the lecture notes provided by the Prof. were more than sufficient

Future direction:

This course is a very nice practical introduction to Radar Systems, and one can pursue further research into this field.

Review by – Avineil Jain (