Year for which the review is written: 2014-15 Spring

Professor who took the course: Prof. Sibi Raj B Pillai

Course Content:

Wireless channels, Narrowband flat fading models, Additive Gaussian noise, Receive Diversity, Transmit Diversity, ML detection, Coherence and non-coherence, Channel capacity, BER Computations, CDMA, MIMO Channel, OFDM, MIMO OFDM, Channel capacity with side information, Multiple access channel, Capacity regions, Broadcast channel, Software defined radio (GNU Radio).

Course Prerequisite:

There is no formal pre-requisite for this course. However, background knowledge of Signals & Systems, DFT, Probability Theory, Communication theory is required.

Feedback on lectures, assignments, tutorials and exams:

Sir teaches very well and lots of content in terms of the number of book chapters (Tse & Vishwanath) is covered. However, attending the lectures is very important to understand the content being taught at the proper pace. Sir also revisits certain concepts if requested. There is no attendance policy. The course is quite conceptual, and hence it is important to solve the tutorials (not graded) on your own to understand the intricacies well, and solve similar new problems in the exams (Similar to EE 325).

Apart from the tutorials that are not directly evaluative, the course has 3-4 homeworks that are evaluated.

The course also has a project on Software Defined Radio (GNU Radio). Doing this project is very instructive in itself, and also helps a lot during grading. Playing with the GNU Radio demos uploaded on the course website is highly recommended before starting the project.

Exams : The weight distribution as well as the number of quizzes is variable according to the instructor’s discretion. A make-up quiz was conducted to give a chance to compensate for low midsem performance.

Midsem (30%), Endsem (40%), Project+Homeworks+Quizzes[1-2 quizzes] (30%).

Difficulty level : Moderate


AA 1
AB 6
AU 3
BB 16
BC 8
CD 1
DD 4
FR 8
Total 47

Reviewed by *Akshay Sarode* (