Semester: Spring 2017-18

Course Instructor: Prof. Siddharth Tallur

Pre-requisites: No pre-requisites are needed to opt for the course. However, during the course we build upon ideas from various fields like analog circuits, signals and systems, and semiconductor devices.

Motivation: The course owes its appeal to emerging applications of Micro Electro-Mechanial Systems (MEMS). The field is interdisciplinary in nature and gives a flavour of real world engineering.

Course Content:

  1. Basics of fabrication
  2. Mechanics of beams and springs
  3. Transduction and actuation
  4. Capacitive sensing
  5. Noise and other non-idealities
  6. Learning from a datasheet
  7. Analysis of actual MEMS devices

Feedback on Lectures:

Each topic to be covered merits a separate course for detailed study. In the first half of the course, the lectures help flesh out the most crucial parts of each topic to have a basic understanding of design and analysis of MEMS. The later part of the course has lectures dedicated to understanding the working of currently used MEMS devices like accelerometer, piezo-sensors, etc. Tutorial sessions were also conducted for familiarisation with software tools like Elmer, COMSOL, FreeCAD, etc. which are helpful during the project.

Feedback on Evaluation:

Quiz – 20% Midsem – 20% Homeworks – 20% Class participation – 5% Project – 35% There were 2 homework assignments one in each half. Midsem and quiz were based mostly on material covered in homeworks. There were also graded problem solving sessions during some of the lectures. Some kind of original work is expected in the project whether it be analysis, design or simulation.

Reviewed by - Devesh Khilwani (