EE 724 – Nanoelectronics

Session – 2018-19

Instructor – Udayan Ganguly

Course Content – 

Course Structure:
1) Assignments (in groups of 2) – 10%
2) 4 Quizzes – (15*4=60%)
3) Course Project (in groups of 2) (30%)
4) No midsem and endsem

Course Contents:

1) Revision of basic electrostatics and electrodynamics.
2) Basic quantum mechanics and related mathematics.
3) Learning to solve the Laplace equation in various 2D and 3D cases and to run the corresponding simulations in MATLAB.
4) Numerical solution to the Poisson equation.

1) Carrier statistics and analysis of band diagrams.
2) Analysis of p-n junction devices.

1) Flash memory applications and screening effects
2) Scattering and phonons

1) Carrier transport
2) Analysis of several devices

Course Project:
The project is done in groups of two. The topics and the mentors are allotted after the midsem. The project is divided into two phases. In the first phase, students have to read the research provided to them and attempt to replicate the results. In the second phase they have to provide a relevant extension to the work they finished in the first phase and present their work in front of the professor and mentors in a poster presentation.

Prerequisite – 
There are no hard pre requisites but prior knowledge of quantum mechanics(PH108) and device analysis(EE207) will be helpful. Basic coding skills to carry out simulations in MATLAB/Python are assumed.

Feedback on the lectures –
The slides shared by the professor are a summary of the contents taught in class hence it is a must for a student to attend the lectures to understand the basic concepts. The professor keeps reiterating previous topics relevant to the ongoing discussions which helps in revision of previous concepts. The pace of the lectures is ideal. In the lectures after midsem, significant amount of time is given to problem solving and analysis of various devices along with the theory content.

Feedback on Assignments/Tutorials –
Though no tutorials were held, the TAs were always present to help anyone with doubts. The assignments were given after completion of a major topic to aid in understanding of the topic. After the assignment submission, a quiz was held in the next week. The assignments and quizzes are not difficult and can be completed using the concepts taught in class but there is emphasis on mathematical calculations and thorough physical analysis of devices.

Difficulty (on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very tough) –

Textbooks/References –
1) Fundamental of Modern VLSI Devices: Y. Taur and T. Ning 2) Introuduction to Solid State Physics: Charles Kittel 3) Fundamentals of Carrier Transport: Mark Lundstorm

Softwares used –

Reviewed by Anwesh Mohanty