Review by
Parin Senta, 2023 (B.Tech)
Course Offered In
Spring 2021-2022
Prof. Udayan Ganguly
No hard pre-requisites. However, knowledge of EE207 and PH107 helps. Also, basic knowledge of MATLAB is required.
3/5 (on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very tough)
Course Content
The course was divided into 4 modules, each taking about a month to complete.
Module 1: a. Why do electrons move? b. Overview of electrostatics c. Analysing FinFETs: solving Laplacian to obtain device characteristics d. Effect of Length Scaling on device physics e. PDE Tool Simulations
Module 2: a. How do electrons move? b. Analysis of Band Diagrams c. Analysis of P-N devices
Module 3: a. Quantum to Semi-Classical Picture of Electron b. Analysis of Energy Diagram of free electron, electron in a crystal. c. Obtaining physical quantities like force on electron, position, velocity, and effective mass of electron from E-k diagram. d. Scattering of electrons, phonons.
Module 4: a. Carrier Transport b. Concept of Quasi-Fermi Level c. Developing a general strategy to derive I-V Characteristics of any device(Eg PN, PIN, PNP etc) d. Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC)
Feedback on Lectures
The lectures were interactive. Almost everyone had to participate in class discussions. The professor would teach a new concept and have the class work on a problem related to the concept in class. The slides are not self-sufficient. Also, most of the questions in quizzes were based on the topics discussed in class. Hence, attending lectures regularly is recommended.
Feedback on Evaluations
- 4 Quizzes (one on each module):- 60% (15% each)
- Assignments (about 4-5):- 15%
- Course Project:- 20%
- Class Participation:- 5%
- No Endsem, No Midsem
- Relative Grading
Study Material and References
1.Fundamental of Modern VLSI Devices: Y. Taur and T. Ning
2.Introduction to Solid State Physics: Charles Kittel
3.Fundamentals of Carrier Transport: Mark Lundstorm
Grading Statistics: