Basic Information
- Course Code: GNR 618
- Course Name: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Cryosphere
- Course Offered In: 2023-2024
- Semester Season: Spring
- Instructors: Prof. Gulab Singh
- Prerequisites: None
- Difficulty (1 being easy and 5 being tough): 2
Course Content
The course covered different components of the cryosphere (snow, ice, glaciers, etc). Remote sensing of the same via various methods such as radar, SAR. Avalanche mapping, forecasting and mitigation methods, case studies.
Feedback on Lectures
The professor divided the class into four slots due to LA size and the amount of registered students being ~800. He also took revision classes regularly. The classes themselves ran parallelly almost the same topics, so there was no inconsistency in that regard. The lectures were not completely engaging a lot of times. so self study was required. Slides were provided throughout the semester, but they were very unorganized, so the flow was difficult to understand.
Feedback on Evaluations
Initially the professor, due to the large class size, decided to not have a project, which was the norm in previous offerings. Absolute grading was decided, with Midsem as 60% and endsem as 40% weightage. In the end, the grading was percentile based, with marks being added up of both midsem and endsem, with 5 marks assigned to attendance.
Study Material and Resources
No specific textbooks, mainly slides and notes.
Follow-up Courses
Final Takeaway
The course content itself is not difficult to understand. Up to the midsem, the course required more memorization than expected, but this reduced quite a lot during the latter half of the course. The course has emphasis on remote sensing in the first half, and more on cryosphere in the second. Taking this course simply for the grade may backfire.