Basic Information
- Course Code: HS 207
- Course Name: Social Psychology (2023)
- Course Offered In: 2023-‘24
- Semester Season: Autumn
- Instructors: Prof. Mrinmoyi Kulkarni
- Prerequisites: None
- Difficulty (1 being easy and 5 being tough): 2
Course Content
A rough list of contents:-
- Social Perception
- Social Cognition
- Schemas
- Self
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Attitudes
- Groups
- Social Influence
- Prejudice
- Aggression
- Prosocial Behavior
These were the topics the professor completed during our semester.
In my time this course had to be pre-registered a minor.
Feedback on Lectures
The lectures are really fun. The lectures slides have the outline of each topic, but the professors gives examples and explanations during the lectures. So taking notes helps.
Feedback on Evaluations
10% - Paper presentation 10% - Class Assignment (we had to watch a movie and write about the social psychology constructs shown in the movie) 10% - Class Participation (the professor herself is very interactive, does not take much effort) 35% - Midsem (Subjective type) 35% - Endsem (Objective type)
Study Material and Resources
Social Psychology : Baron, Robert A., Byrne, Donn But the lecture slides and notes are enough
Final Takeaway
I personally found the content to be very interesting. The topics are discussed in such a manner such that it makes you more aware about your own and other people’s behavior.