Basic Information
- Course Code: HS402
- Course Name: Game Theory and Economic Analysis
- Course Offered In: Autumn (Odd)
- Instructors: Saptarshi Ghosh
- Prerequisites: None
- Difficulty (on a scale of 5): 2
Course Content
Introduction of Game Theory. Classifications of games, Terminology and assumptions. Simultaneous games of complete information. Normal form games, Dominant strategy equilibrium, Iterated strict dominance, Nash Equilibrium in pure strategies, Cournot duopoly, Prisoner’s dilemma, Battle of Sexes, Problem of commons, Final offer arbitration, Strategic Voting, Non-existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium Mixed strategies, Existence of Nash equilibrium, Matching coins Dynamic games of complete information. Extensive form games, Perfect and imperfect information in dynamic games, Stackelberg duopoly, Wage bargaining, Rubinstein’s bargaining (finite version), Nebulous skill enhancement Subgame perfection, Bank Runs, Finite stage repeated games, Cournot duopoly and collusion Static Bayesian games. Normal form representation, Bayes’ Nash equilibrium, Cournot duopoly under incomplete information Mixed strategies revisited, First price sealed bid auction Dynamic Bayesian games. Perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium Job-market signalling, Bargaining under asymmetric information
Feedback on Lectures
Live classes and whiteboard annotations, instructor doesn’t give slides that can be useful for exam purposes. So either you would have to binge the recordings or try to read the books, which is problematic.
Feedback on Evaluations
You needed to score well to have a good grade, given the exams were not very complicated. Endsem and midsem only
Study Material and Resources
The slides used by other colleges are useful, if you can find the same topic
Final Takeaway
The course is easy to follow and understand IF you attend the classes. The exams were very scoring and the content is very interesting