Basic Information

  • Course Code: HS451
  • Course Name: Cognition and Emotion
  • Course Offered In: 2022-23
  • Semester Season: Spring
  • Instructors: Prof. Rashmi Gupta
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Difficulty (1 being easy and 5 being tough): 3

Course Content

Module 1: Why is it important to study emotion? Structure of emotion: distinguish emotion from related constructs. What are the theories of emotions, and biology of emotion.

• Module 2: Facial expression and recognition of emotion, role of culture and gender in emotion processing. Different methodology to measure affect, the psychology of emotion regulation, social perception: can we detect deception.

• Module 3: Depression, global-local perceptual processing of emotions, the influence of emotion/motivation on higher level cognition: attention, memory, and decision making.

• Module 4: The Role of emotion in human-computer interaction

The course was really good. The content was really interesting. There was no compulsory attendance. The instructor provided slides which covered the topics in detail. It included some 10th class level biology of the brain, some experimental studies on the brain etc. The marks distribution was: 50% Midsem 50% Endsem

The question were pretty straightforward. In the midsem there were 20 MCQs, which were easy and directly from the slides. Same for the endsem. The instructor asked a number of essay type questions out of which we had to answer any two. The world limit for a single questions was 500 words(It might have been more than that). The questions included hints of topics that were only explained in the classes and were not included i the slides. So for the midsem, I was able to answer because I attended fair chunks of the classes, but in the endsem, I only relied on the the slides and that cost me a grade point.

Feedback on Lectures

The instructor is very good and explained every topic in detail. Some of the classes concerning theories of emotions were one of the best classes I ever attended.

Try to attend enough classes so that you know what was the topic of discussion as it will directly help you in the exams.

Feedback on Evaluations

The evaluations were fair and the grading was decent.

Study Material and Resources

Slides provided.

Final Takeaway

Pretty good course as it gives you an entirely new perspective of how your brain functions.