Basic Information
- Course Code: SI 423
- Course Name: Linear Algebra and its Applications
- Course Offered In: 2023-2024
- Semester Season: Autumn
- Instructors: Ananthnarayan Hariharan
- Prerequisites: None
- Difficulty (1 being easy and 5 being tough): 1
Course Content
Its essentially a repeat of the first year linear algebra course(MA106) but is more rigorous
Feedback on Lectures
80% attendance policy, Prof was good
Feedback on Evaluations
5 Quizzes (Best 4) + midsem + endsem. Quizzes were held regularly
Study Material and Resources
Follow-up Courses
Any ML or optimization course which has linear algebra as a prerequisite
Final Takeaway
The course content was very similar to MA106(first year linear algebra course) and was in general slow paced.