Review by
Krishna Soni (190070032)
Course Offered In
Spring 2020
Prof. Rahul Patil
Course Content
Principles of Operations Management. Practices and Strategies in Operations Management. Inventory Management. Supply Chain Design (Assembly Line). Planning and Controlling Supply Chain. Scheduling. Continuous and Batch Processes. Quality Management
Feedback on Lectures
Prof. Patil has to be one of the most chill professors I ever had. The course will introduce you to supply and production chains, assembly lines through sufficient hands on experience on real life cases (some from Harvard Business School too).
Feedback on Evaluations
The course had 2 assignments,surprise quizzes (for which the prof. helped by providing hints and formulas on the slide), a midsem and endsem. The Exams were a mixture of numericals and theory, but were quite easy if you had done the quizzes and assignments. The prof is great at teaching and quite chill and even cancelled the proposed course project.
Final Takeaways
This course is a bit mathematical when compared to other courses as it involves supply chain management problems but the formulas are provided, so you just need to know how to use them.
Grading Statistics: